A charismatic Team Interrobang member proposed we change our names to AFI top 100 villians and raid other servers and try to make friends. So, 16 of us gathered and I as Auric Goldfinger raided some servers. The first server had 10 people or so in it, and after joining all but 2 of them left leaving a 9 to 1 ratio of Team Interrobang members to pubs. The second server called me for mic spamming for asking what stats package they used. Finally, we found a 32 person server with 18 slots and we piled in only to be greeted as some sort of TF2 savior for filling their server. One admin changed his name to “OMG Our Server’s Full” another wondered aloud if they could handle so many people. It was quite sad.

So, what started out as a recruiting expedition turned into some sort of bizarre deliverance for a failing servers. But it wasn’t a total bust, we’re thinking for a small fee a server that has trouble filling could rent us to create some sort of gaming Potemkin village. We could throw the same softball questions each time like to make them look good like “Is your server always this awesome?” and “do you have a program where I can pay money to you for guaranteed placement?” and for a little more, we’d even engineer it so the side of the renter’s choosing would win. Direct all paypal payments to teaminterrobangpayments@gmail.com at a rate of $3.00 per shill/hour.

Team Interrobang bought a dedicated server a little over a month ago and the person setting up the server quickly received a 1/2 dozen tickets as we customized things to our liking and “Charles, the technical support guy” became “Chuck, our man in Houston”.  Then today, while discussing server problems on our team’s forums, a guy named Charles posted that our balance was coming due.  I thought it was a joke until I saw that our payment is due Monday, the IP address was out of Houston and the email address was charles@ourserviceprovider.com.  This is both kinda neat and kinda REALLY FUCKING CREEPY.

So, is this the Internet equivalent of saying “Bloody Mary” in a dark bathroom?  Flame your tech support guy in an obscure forum 3 times and he’ll appear and tell you when you’re bill’s due?  This only furthers mine and Apollo’s theory that Chuck simply runs a server farm out of his senile grandmother’s basement after he hijacked a fat fiber pipe he found under her flowerbed with used boxes liberated from a bankrupt Circuit City, which would be awesome.

Team Interrobang has had a spate of people (we think) using wall hacks (ways to see through things you’re not supposed to, like concrete) to cheat in Team Fortress 2.  I talked to a high school friend about what he did to track cheaters when he ran a server he said he’d use a coordinate tracker to help make demos showing impossible shots and such.  I follow his instructions, jump into a game, he tells me the start command and suddenly I can see through everything.  His solution to dealing with wallhacks, was to run a better wallhack.  Shit.  Team Fortress has built in software that generates hashes of game files to find cheaters, I think I could hear his hack humping and ravashing the EXEs and DLLs that Valve monitors so, knowing I couldn’t wait for a normal shut down before I received the irrevocable title of “cheater”.  I ripped the power cord out of the wall.

Guess who’s got two thumbs and is going to spent Turkey Day scrubbing his hard drive with a rare-earth magnet?  This guy!

If the above was a little too technical for your taste, here’s a video of a warthog running into a lion.