I’ve recently taken to parking on a different side street near the Trevose station to shorten my walk, and for the last two weeks, every time I return to my car some 200 year-old unfuckable hag in a house dress yells at me for parking on the street.  I point out that it’s behind the no parking here to curb sign, and she swats at me for being less than ancient.  Today, that didn’t happen.  Maybe it was the 60 atlatl darts in the back and the “I’m a Gun Owner and I Vote” sticker from borrowing my brother’s truck, in any case, it works.

I’ve recently taken to parking on a different side street near the Trevose station to shorten my walk, and for the last two weeks, every time I return to my car some 200 year-old unfuckable hag in a house dress yells at me for parking on the street.  I point out that it’s behind the no parking here to curb sign, and she swats at me for being less than ancient.  Today, that didn’t happen.  Maybe it was the 60 atlatl darts in the back and the “I’m a Gun Owner and I Vote” sticker from borrowing my brother’s truck, in any case, it works.