I don’t generally look at movie trailer sites except that those I follow on Twitter have inundated me recommendations to check out the avatar generator for the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World movie.  I encountered the perennial problem of such tools for me:

  • Nobody is ever fat, just chubby
  • Artists rarely allow for a custom dunlop editor
  • One is often limited to having a single chin
  • There’s little room between blonde and dark brown
  • Shorts are either ridiculously short or ridiculously long

So, given the above restrictions, this was the closest I was able to get:

I think the sword sells it

I admit, the above is a little indulgent, I normally don’t wear an ascot with sandals.

On 22 Nov 2008 at 2:22 PM tragedy struck the Internet: the boss picture of a shirtless Mark Twain taking a moment between being America’s greatest humorist and killing wolverines with his mustache.

With Mega-Twain

Without Mega-Twain

What went through‘s head when he or she made this change?  Was he or she like “this picture is so amazing that it’s prevent the world from learning about the French saving the heads of war collaborators” and with such speed that he or she didn’t register.

Note from Trial Against The Pirate Bay:

“When did you meet [fellow defendant Gottfrid] for the first time IRL?” asked the Prosecutor.
“We do not use the expression IRL,” said Peter, “we use AFK.”
“IRL?” questioned the judge.
“In Real Life,” the Prosecutor explained to the judge.
“We do not use that expression,” Peter noted. “Everything is in real life. We use AFK—Away From Keyboard.”
“Well,” said Roswall. “It seems I am a little bit out of date.”

While this may have been brought up as a way of building on the ignorances commonly shown by prosecutors against filesharers, I thought it was a poignant note about interactions on the web.

via Ars Technica

While I love lolcats I may have found something I like better in the form of the Erudite Ferrets anti-meme.  For instance:

Erudite Ferret from bigfatwhale.com

Erudite Ferret from bigfatwhale.com

So, I’d like to start making more.  This is what have so far:

I’m in your x, ying your zs.

  • I’m in your libraries, finishing the books you found too hard.
  • I’m in your New York Times, completing your Friday Crossword Puzzles, in pen.
  • I’m in your bookshelf, reading your Thomas Pynchon novels.
  • I’m in your system32/fonts folder, deleting your Comic Sans.
  • I’m in your essays, correcting your usages of the Oxford Comma.


  • Invisible Go match
  • Invisible Letter to the Editor composing
  • Invisible armchair physics
  • Invisible Sherry swilling


  • John Updike, mourn ya ’til we join ya.
  • Supporting discourse of normative ethics is not a crime.
  • Faulknerian Idiot Man-Child Owners, I haz dem.
  • I’m a ferret and Palin even scared me.

I’m not sure if I can use lolcat language at all, or can use it ironically.  Ideas?

While I love lolcats I may have found something I like better in the form of the Erudite Ferrets anti-meme.  For instance:

Erudite Ferret from bigfatwhale.com

Erudite Ferret from bigfatwhale.com

So, I’d like to start making more.  This is what have so far:

I’m in your x, ying your zs.

  • I’m in your libraries, finishing the books you found too hard.
  • I’m in your New York Times, completing your Friday Crossword Puzzles, in pen.
  • I’m in your bookshelf, reading your Thomas Pynchon novels.
  • I’m in your system32/fonts folder, deleting your Comic Sans.
  • I’m in your essays, correcting your usages of the Oxford Comma.


  • Invisible Go match
  • Invisible Letter to the Editor composing
  • Invisible armchair physics
  • Invisible Sherry swilling


  • John Updike, mourn ya ’til we join ya.
  • Supporting discourse of normative ethics is not a crime.
  • Faulknerian Idiot Man-Child Owners, I haz dem.
  • I’m a ferret and Palin even scared me.

I’m not sure if I can use lolcat language at all, or can use it ironically.  Ideas?

While I may hug my Windows Home Server once a week I’ve discovered a Microsoft product that may beat it: Songsmith.  It creates backups and accompaniment to a melody or other tonal input and while it may work great with lounge singers and Casio Keytronix admirers, what it does to existing music is nothing short of stunning. All I can say is, behold what it does to Sting and the Police:

This star treatment has been done to a plethora of other artists, Youtube and grow wise.  In a moment of genius, someone songsmithed the Songsmith commercial.