Photo Trade

John and I met up at Drexel University where he teaches and had a picnic.  I brought lunch for two, snacks for two, desserts for two, and we had conversation fit for a dozen.  While I was torching the creme brûlée, a college student studying near us leaned over to me and said “I wish I could cook”.  I looked at him and said “I hope you learn to.  It’s fun and rewarding.”  He looked at me, I looked at him, and then he said “ok, I’ll leave now”.  On the way out, John wanted a cup of coffee so we stopped in one of the Drexel coffee shops.  A fellow in front of us in line was doing a card trick to try to impress someone and I look a picture of it.


Card Person: Nice try but pictures of card tricks never turn out.
Me: I think I got it. *show him my camera*
Card Person: Wow, it did.  I’ve been looking for someone to shoot a show of mine.
Me: I’d love to, I generally ask $60 an hour for events, how long is your show?
Card Person: About two hours, but I don’t have that kind of money.  I’m sorry.
Me: Well, what else do you do?
Card Person: I also do fire eating as well.
Me: How about this, you teach me to eat fire, and I’ll give you a touched up set of photos of your total show.
Card Person: Deal.  How should I contact you?
Me: Here’s my card, that’s a picture of me riding a sheep.
Card Person: I think I can work with you.