I love my little panoramic-making robot.  I tried to do one today of lunch at a Scouting event but there was a bit too much movement for the shot to turn out clearly and there were a lot of decapitated people and disembodied heads.  Anyway, I took the device to camp to do a pano at sunset, but ran out of charge after the rechargeable batteries had taken two panos for over 800 pictures.  Fine work in my book.  Anthony opened the trading post and I got 6 new “Super Heavy Duty” batteries.  They felt light but I figured I’d give them a try.

Guesses how many shots they lasted?


The battery to my laptop came with a warning sheet that repeated the same six warnings in 10 languages about how to dispose of it properly, not light it on fire, don’t drink out of it and so on.  I thought these warnings would be the same for each language and my passing familiarity with French and profound ability to butcher Spanish confirmed my thoughts until I turned the reference card over.  The notes for Korean had 12 statements and traditional and simplified Chinese which each had four.  The counts were noted as each caution was marked with Arab numerals.

I wonder if the Koreans are overly cautious or just use smaller rulers or that the Chinese are either more direct or dismissive of numbers greater than four.