In IH 0051 we’ve been reading the Old Testiment and to win the frequent Biblical pissing matching I’ve been toting the 14 lb. Oxford New Revised Standard Version (with Apocrypha) around Temple. This isn’t too odd as based on my size it looks like I’m a smaller person perusing Reader’s Digest. While reading Genesis I’ve had the score to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat running through my head and I finally got my umbrella back after 3 weeks of use by some smelly-pirate hooker for which I felt sorry in my stat class. After class, I mount the R3 to go home and there are infinite people, mostly in shitty costumes, and there’s no place to sit. So, I’m standing there reading the giant Bible humming show tunes carrying an umbrella on a clear 70° day on Halloween in shorts and sandals with socks when I notice everyone around backing away and getting quiet. I’m used to this to a certain extent as there is a certain surreal quality to a 380lb man whistling on a train, but the clincher was when I made eye contact with a 10 year old dressed as a skeleton leans over to his mother and lips the words “he’s weird”. Welcome to Philadelphia, kids.

In IH 0051 we’ve been reading the Old Testiment and to win the frequent Biblical pissing matching I’ve been toting the 14 lb. Oxford New Revised Standard Version (with Apocrypha) around Temple. This isn’t too odd as based on my size it looks like I’m a smaller person perusing Reader’s Digest. While reading Genesis I’ve had the score to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat running through my head and I finally got my umbrella back after 3 weeks of use by some smelly-pirate hooker for which I felt sorry in my stat class. After class, I mount the R3 to go home and there are infinite people, mostly in shitty costumes, and there’s no place to sit. So, I’m standing there reading the giant Bible humming show tunes carrying an umbrella on a clear 70° day on Halloween in shorts and sandals with socks when I notice everyone around backing away and getting quiet. I’m used to this to a certain extent as there is a certain surreal quality to a 380lb man whistling on a train, but the clincher was when I made eye contact with a 10 year old dressed as a skeleton leans over to his mother and lips the words “he’s weird”. Welcome to Philadelphia, kids.

I’m planning a route to the Bristol Branch of the Bucks County Library system to grab a Bible so Temple won’t get my 12 dollars in exchange for some shitty annotated version of the King James Bible.  I compared directions with YahooMaps, Google Maps, and Microsoft Streets and Trips.  Everyone gave me a turn-by-turn identical route.  Despite providing exactly the same route Yahoo’s total distance was 14 miles, Google’s was 11.9 miles and MS&T’s was 13.0 miles.  I’m going to take Google’s directions there and Yahoo’s back and see if my car odometer notices.