The day after a road trip I usually call out of work to take a day of rest.  This isn’t an absolute necessity but I like to get two nights sleep in my own bed, have some time to review photos, and then bake something for my coworkers.  This time was different.  I was going to go into work on Monday morning because dammit adults go into work on Monday mornings and I am an adult in the eyes of the law.

I showered and shaved after a few hours of sleep and rolled into work before 10 which is early for me.  My hope for a slow ramp-up died in the arms of two emergency testing requests which had me stay until after eight that evening.  Today was supposed to be my first day of at least faking adulthood for the first time in a while and it sucked.  But on the drive home I noted that I had made enough money to buy two FiberOne bars a day for a year.  Maybe adulthood has its perks.

We left Chicago with the fluid grace of someone throwing a beanbag chair.  Mike woke early, I next, then Suzie, and we left a standard deviation after I hoped as I vacillated between “stay” and “go”.  The day was bright but the roads were unkind and we missed a visit to someone due to delays from road construction.  Mike will never meet Banks.  We had lunch at a McDonalds where two middle-aged men were arguing over Christian rock.  We received no ticket on the way through Indiana.

Before dropping off Suzie, I asked my standard question of “how do we make this better next time?” to which I already knew the answer: don’t drive to Chicago after spending two days in New York City.  Suzie left our company and Mike and I puttered home taking turns being sleepy and being the driver.  Mike and I parted company in his driveway with a hug and wave and we turned our backs to each other and walked our separate ways to go become adults.

NYC+ was the last trip in the extraordinary run of good trips I had that spanned a six month arc and I set myself the 12th as the first day where I’d need to parlay my job into a career, switch industries, or go back to Act Sci.  Mike and Suzie had the first days of their next semesters to attend to so we all took a small lurch towards being our future selves.  I think I lingered too long in each place not for fear but for loathing of having to face that Monday.  Let’s see where it goes.