After a box of flour spilt in our cereals cabinet, we’ve had a bit of a mice problem which called for the old standby of Victor Mouse Traps.  Knowing that we’ve tried this before, I though they may get the hang of it as depicted here.  I left for the weekend shortly afterwards and when I returned, saw on the cereals cabinet an evelope written on the back “Body Count” with 11 hash marks on it.  Thank God evolution’s slow.

My mother is now using a computer I built for her from a donation from a friend.  Now that she has something faster than a dozen mice at mechanical calculators I loaded Windows Media Player and a number of audio books she can now listen to as she quilts or plays Dr. Mario. Upon hearing that I’d given her about 30 audiobooks she responded “but won’t I go through a lot of ink printing them?”  Yea technology!