Before restarting for my next 24 month stint as general technical guy I had to complete some re-employment paperwork for the contracting agency.  I arrived and was seated in a waiting area surrounded by people ranging from those applying to maintain surgical robots to people that would be grocery stocking agents.  The paperwork had some interesting sections:

  • The papers were presented out of order and didn’t include a declarations section which would normally define what things like “The Company” and “The Contractor” meant.  So, I read the re-employment documentation as if I were literally working for The Company®.
  • The room next to me had thin walls and I was hearing a conversation between two people about how one of them wasn’t ready for the responsibility of being a stock person at Crate and Barrel.
  • One document had an explicit warning on it “This document does not constitute a legal agreement.  Failure to comply with this document will result in termination”.   Sounds kinda legal to me.
  • Another document contained the line “This document may only be modified by the president”.  This was struck through with pen as were a few other sections.  That’s  a pretty good work around.