Skype video chat has proven to be the best proxy to keep track of distant people.  Its sound quality is superb and its ability to do voice cancellation is stellar, but stopping retransmitted sounds of other types has prove more difficult:

Friend: So how’s Max been?
Me: A red fox had a litter a few years ago and the kits are now old enough to howl.
Friend: Do you have a recording of what it sounds like?
Me: Yes.  But it makes my dog go crazy, I’ll send you a youtube video.
Friend: Wow, that’s loud!  *turns back* Honey, listen to this.

Max heard the noise coming through my speakers having been rebroadcast from his and ran to the door barking and having no idea that his quarry was 1700 miles away in Texas.

More CIS 1055 presentation notes:

  • Skype pronounced sky-pee.
  • Email is the most common form of communication. (Take that, speech!)
  • During a presentation on Second Life, the group played a video of the world-building model on YouTube where “Starry Starry Night” was playing in the background.  The scene being built in the video was Van Gogh’s Starry Starry Night and the entire purpose of the video was to show the ability to recreate real-world spaces.  The group muted the sound and stopped it 3/4ths of the way through right before the whole thing came together.  Ghaa…..
  •  World of Warcraft was described as a MOOG.  Synthesizer or MMO?
  • Land size was expressed in “em twos” instead of meters squared.

I’ve been trying to get Call Graph to work with Skype so that I can record calls.  Oddly, with the software on, I was making double calls where I’d get the person and their voicemail.  In reviewing the recordings I found that I was recorded, and the voicemail prompt was, but the person I was talking to wasn’t, resulting in the following.

Female-Voiced Automated Voicemail Prompt: Please leave your message after the tone.
Me (at person who wasn’t recorded): Fuck you and your sister!