I’ve been trying to get Call Graph to work with Skype so that I can record calls.  Oddly, with the software on, I was making double calls where I’d get the person and their voicemail.  In reviewing the recordings I found that I was recorded, and the voicemail prompt was, but the person I was talking to wasn’t, resulting in the following.

Female-Voiced Automated Voicemail Prompt: Please leave your message after the tone.
Me (at person who wasn’t recorded): Fuck you and your sister!

Cat is fine.  Wound is scabbing over nicely and he’s lazy and cranky again.  And yes, Joe, should my cat ever die (which seems pretty unlikely at this point considering how long he’ s already lived) you may mock his passing incessantly.  Should I feel insulted, I will do the manly thing and re-direct all my incoming voicemail to the program director’s mailbox.