We received group assignments in SOC R064 today. Â Each group must surreptitiously watch an area of the Temple campus for 30 minutes and record interpersonal interactions and the racial groups which interacted. Â Having been assigned the “skate park” portion of Temple I proposed we get skate gear and talk like board leet mutha’s. Â Everyone in the group was engaged in this joviality when I asked the girl to my left what she thought, she turned beat red and started reviewing for a geology test. Â I thought this odd, and continued joking with the others about the mad grind stalls I planned on doing. Â As said beet faced person left I then realized she had a limp that would make a run in with a loan shark jealous. Â I always come in before her and talk with the girl next to me so I suppose I never noticed a walking deficiency that would make her jealous of Nancy Kerrigan.