If atlaltry had a church I would be its high priest, or at least sit up front where no one else does except for families whose kids are really churchy to the point where it annoys the parents but they don’t say anything about it because other parents think it’s a good think and kind of enjoy being pretentious.  Anyway, a troop I commission was doing atlatl activities in the Dan Beard and doing quite well except for dart retrieval.  I gave each Scout six darts, the Scouts fire the darts, and then I issue the instruction to retrieve six darts, regardless of who fired them, then the firing line would rotate and a new group would get the darts and repeat.  Oddities: One kid would run out and collect as many darts as possible, pick out six, and leave the rest in a pile in the middle of the field only after the rest of the kids had returned with three darts.

One kid would launch all six darts about 25 feet and then at dart retrieval, would find five, miss the sixth and start looking in the woods 250 feet away for the last dart.

One kid blamed his short casts on the fact that some darts had broken tips.

One kid insisted on taking a running start, coming to a complete stop, and then casting.