Bag, definitely bag

I went out for ribs with my mother and was a bit overdressed for the “Duck Deli” as I had come straight from work.  The ribs were a bit fatty and I knew Max (our dog) would love it so I asked for a doggie bag.  The server looked at me quizzically so I repeated the request calling it a meat shrapnel bag and she nodded her head.  The server returned with a paper-fucking-bag.  So, I did what anyone in my position would do: I loaded the meat into the bag and poured the dipping butter for the hush puppies on top for good measure.  As the bag became saturated I began putting the bag on the chairs leaving nice butter marks and whipped my mouth with the curtains on the way out.  As the bag neared breaking I asked for another bag and got a 10 gallon trash bag.  This is my new favorite restaurant.