CSS Wanting Layout Engines and Browser Warfare

I’ve trying to get rid of the frames in the OSR Program and Leader Guide.  Frames make it hard to link to things so I’ve been working on a pure CSS menu system like they have at GRC.  They’re setup is full of wierd hacks to make Safari 7.9.1 work correctly and so on so I tried something stripped down and came up with this.  I think it looks nice and would go wonderfully under the OSR banner.  There’d be more links simplifying navigation and adding and removing links would be a snap, except it DOESN’T WORK AT ALL UNDER IE 6.  Every other browser from Mosaic 4.0 to Firefox’s Fennec mobile browser alpha to Ice Weasel renders it correctly except for IE 6.

Knowing IE 6 would figure heavily into the usage patterns of the proletariat leaders browsing the site leaving it there and letting users realize they’re the dalit of web users wasn’t an option.  So after learning a little javascript and a lot of Ctrl+U (view page source) and violating some IP laws I go this gem.  It’s the red-headed stepchild of menus replacing the absolutely lovely previous menu with a kludge that only properly renders in IE6.

Maybe I should just create two versions of the sites:  I was thinking this’d be a chore until I realized it may save me some work.  If someone’s still using IE 6 that version would direct the user to a form that’d go to me so I could send them a copy of the web page on stone tablets which is the appropriate level of support for someone who hates the World Wide Web enough to abuse it with their knuckle-dragging tech competence.  Or if they’re a little better than that, I’ll make one that’s just one giant page; the web equivalent of a double elephant folio.  I’ll even include the PDFs as images that way it could literally be the only page they have to visit for camp information. “Yes, ma’am.  The document you need is there.  Make sure your browser window is full screen then hit tab 214 times, and press print screen.”

For Knotgeek: I blame this on Opera.  By bringing up the whole concept of standards-compliant rendering they freed the dove of hope only to be struck by IE 6’s failboulder.