I stopped at Subway on the way to work, which I never do. I wasn’t sure why, but I did. I then felt some anxiety whenever my boss walked in, which I never do (both my bosses are awesome). I had a cup off coffee at about 7, which I never do. Then, looking down at my white shirt around 8 PM, it clicked: For the last few months I’ve worn unscented deodorant, and today I ran out and applied my backup stick of Springtime Baby Rain or whatever overly flowerly scent I had on reserve. The last time I wore this deodorant was when I worked at RadioShack in 2002-2003 and I believe the scent somehow triggered latent workplace instinct. I need to purchase a replacement stick before I start acting surly to people who’re unfamiliar with setting up home theatre systems and attempt to sell my coworkers Monster Cables.