The Magic of Time Wasting

A staff member contacted me to sell his collection of Magic cards and the conversation was laced with talk of past victories, great indeterminate cards and the lure of great wealth on the resale market.  I left work early to give adequate time to review the collection and printed out two copies of my 60 page price list so we could haggle over fees and such.

I arrived, and he presented me with a stack of cards that could have been towered over by a GI Joe…  I reviewed his collection, offered him four dollars (almost as an insult), which he accepted (with glee, boo) and I walked back to my car. I spent more money in gas than I did on his collection.  I spent more money to buy a hotdog, drink and Twinkie than I did on his collection.  I spent more money fixing the hole I punched int he wall after seeing the farcical wasting of time of the visit.  Now I’ve got a new small collection I have to sort, and my hand hurts.