My brother’s girlfriend’s sister’s computer wasn’t working so I figured I’d give it a crack. My standard test setup is a 20″ monitor, with a ps/2 keyboard and mouse which were useless as this computer had a DSUB 15 monitor connector and no ps/2 ports only USB. I plugged in my spare G15 and MX518 and was able to boot into the BIOS and did some initial checks. I then booted to Windows XP and was stymied by the keyboard and mouse not being recognized. Well they were, but I needed to click the little button to let Windows load the appropriate drivers, which I couldn’t do, as I had no keyboard or mouse… until I clicked on that button, which I couldn’t.
I’m normally impressed with what I can only call the tenacity of Windows to create drivers out of bubblegum and tape to figure out something. Sure it may cut your printing speed by a factor of 10 or your monitor will only show 4 colors but it works until you can get something done. Today, that died…