Packing and a Loop

Sunday was a marathon of fun as there were two Magic tournaments followed by a barbecue. This was followed by frantic packing for my big loop. There were a few big chunks of stuff I brought:

  • Week of clothing
  • Spring camping equipment (for staying in parks in the South)
  • Winter camping equipment (for staying in parks in the icy North)
  • Computer stuff (two laptops, I’m cool)
  • Photography equipment
  • Emergency food, 60 bottles of water, emergency car equipment
  • 4 sources of GPS data

My car looked like it was packed by a hybrid right-wing survivalist/wildlife photographer.  I tried something new, packing each of the above things into separate Rubbermaid bins and bringing 3 clothing bags: 1 night bag, 1 for clean clothing, and 1 for dirty clothing.  I did a final once-over of the car, trying to estimate how much more paint I’d lose from my front bumper and left for the glories of America.

Tracking: I’ll update the map when I hit a new location and a few other times.  The application that provides information must run in the foreground which decimates the iPhone’s tiny battery.


Click for the full-sized version.

Most of the stops are one of three things:

  1. Someone I know
  2. A place significant in the history of America’s nuclear history
  3. A national park

The total length is a little under 12000 miles.  I’ll probably need to have an oil change around stops 16 and 34.  The route’ll change as I find things I can see and discover other things I can’t.