InterroLoop: Day 13 – Moar Texas

Driving South to meet a former OSR staff member was dull with little to look at besides the cavalcade of frontages that lined the secondary Frontage Drive that skirted the highway.  I was afraid of not having any pictures for the day so I pulled over at a Texas rest stop to take a picture and discovered some things.  First, all Texas rest stops offer wifi, which is somewhat impressive in that there’s no real place to use it except for surfing while taking a dump.  Second, Texas rest stop toilets are 3.8 gallons per flush which is 2-3 times what a normal toilet uses.  I timed the flush period and it clocked in at a full 24 seconds.  That’s a hell of a flush.

May 15, 2010-39-InterroLoop

Clouds, blown by the force of a flush.

Also, Texas has some peculiar road signs:


How can it be the law to obey a warning sign?

I met Alex in Austin and we reminisced over girly iced beverages.  He’s happily married and hosts some kickin’ parties as witnessed by the fact that his wife still had highlighter on her.  We chatted about school, work, and the joys of becoming adults and moved on after a few hours; it was good to see him.

My next meet-up was with Ellice Sanchez/Ellice in San Antonio, the land of history and malls.


Soft light is soft.

The meeting was fine and our nightcap was watching her boyfriend raise 20 flags.