I stayed with Suzie at Pants’ apartment and arose at the crack of 10:20 AM to nine text messages telling me that we were late to our 10 AM appointment at Hot Doug’s. This made Mike/VirginBride the responsible one and I said “never again” to that.
The rest of us had lunch at Clarke’s as Mike sat in the aftermath of his foie gras-induced foodgasm and Audrey and I both ordered a salad with chicken that was served in a punch bowl. I consider myself a rapid eater but the only way I beat her was that she took a restroom break. She’s a machine.
The Adler Planetarium Astrolabe Collection
I wanted to got to the Adler Planetarium for a single reason, to see Alan Guth’s notebook containing his realization that cosmic inflation solved a shit-ton of problems in modern cosmology simultaneously. That we got in for $8.00 as Chicago residents and got to see literally 200 different astrolabes was a bonus. Additionally, we got to see everything Jim Lovell ever touched and the zinger of a line “space is bigger than all the world’s oceans put together”. Just let that sit in your brain for a second. That is a statement so ridiculous I’m hard pressed to come up with a comparative one.
I tried to bribe a docent to take me to the original (this was just a hi-res copy) but I refused to let him see Franklin after he decided not to chat with Grant so we continued looking at astrolabe after astrolabe. Much more fun was had in the museum like learning that Peter had no idea who Shaft was, discovering that all the cool kids tooled around with scientific instruments in the 1700’s and finding an Anchorman reference in the gift shop:
After the planetarium, I took some pictures in the freezing cold and saw that I missed the golden hour by about 20 minutes or so. Maybe next time.
The evening wound down nicely with pizza, homemade soda, and not one but two opportunities for “Yo Dawg” jokes.

Yo dawg, I heard you liked remotes so we put a remote on your remote so you could overpay for Apple products while you overpay for Apple products.

Yo dawg, I heard you liked laptops, so we put a Macbook on your Macbook so you can Skype while you ponder the consumer treadmill.
To bed.
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