Restaurant, Flowers, Restaurant

Suzie, Mike, Kacey, and I took the subway located immediately beneath the building in which we were staying to within a few blocks of where we were to have lunch.  At some point, Suzie bolted.  We caught up with her finding she’d seen the MasterChef contestant Derrick Prince and wanted to say hello.

From 2011-09-09 to 10 People Shots

In another bit of New York coincidence, lunch was delayed as the person we were meeting ran into her kindergarten teacher. (Appropriately) small world.

From 2011-09-09 to 10 People Shots

After lunch, Mike, Kacey, and I went to the New York Botanical Gardens and saw that my car had been ticketed.  I was clearly beyond the “NO PARKING” sign, but only after some Googling did I find that “NO STANDING” includes “NO PARKING”.  Thanks for explaining, New York City.

The Botanical Gardens were again gorgeous.

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That evening, we met up with Jon, a TI member whose life consists of extended bouts of the amazing interspersed with work as waiter and meeting Internetfolk.  He treated us to a lovely dinner in Little Italy followed by gelati.  At this rate, I’ll run into Jon in 2013 after he’s won the Nobel Prize in Chinese Fencing.