A local school received what I can only call a trove of glassware.  Reaction vessels, Erlenmeyer flasks, bubblers (which are profoundly expensive), and 40 pounds of filter paper would be the route to a fat rebate check when doing my 2009 taxes.  A month into 2010 I’ve received nothing so I contacted the liaison:

Me: Hey, can I get a tax letter?
Her: Sure, I’ll ask again.
Me: Would it help if I provided a list of what I gave them?
Her: Yes

Good job, Terry.  I have almost no idea what I gave her except from what the previous group I gave to didn’t use.  Idea!

–Call #2–
Me: Hey,  do you remember if you took all 12 50ml volumetric flasks?
Him: Yeah, I think so.
Me: How about the 200ml graduated cylinders?
Him:  I don’t know.
Me: How about…
Him: Are you going to ask me about everything you gave us?
Me: Maybe…
Him: I’m going to bed.

Damn, I’ll need to find another way to fabricate documentation for my tax return.  To the Fisher Scientific catalog!

One of my computer instructors has started to take attendance but doesn’t yet require participation.  Miffed at this waste of my Wednesday evenings I tried to find the most obvious way to be there without being there.

I walked in, sat down, spread out my 1099s and W2s, a sharpened pencil, nice pen, and a calculator and I proceeded to do my taxes as obviously as I could muster.  I’ve never had so much fun completing a 1040 in my life.