I was planning on going to the section meeting strictly for the purpose of having better attendance than my chair, Andy Cistone, but this was not to be. I woke up around 7:55 AM to Jeff Menaker trying to give me a muffin and to Chuck Goodenough pointing out how hairy my back is.  I rise to face the day and am given the message third hand that Bill wants to me to lock the inner gate after COPE leaves and that he’s gone to Maryland. So what did I get to do? Sit! Wait! Fulminate! And I did. During that time I filled out some merit badge cards, my favorite being one for “Citizenship in the Environment”. I was thinking of calling, but noticing the name, I knew the leader, and he’s indeed an idiot, so I returned the card empty as I’ve confident the Scout did not complete the badge as it doesn’t exist.