How to Wake a Dan Beard Director

  1. A smear of photos from the staff reunion mostly focusing on volleyball.  Flickr set
  2. Kevin Ott, a long time member of Ockanickon’s Varsity Sleep Team wasn’t awake by noon thirty so we went to roust him.  The process was both simple and inefficient, a proper Ockanickon solution.  Six people surrounded him, lifted his bed, shook fiercely and set him back down.  He was awoken by Scout Spirit.
  3. Harold Frederick didn’t make it but had RSVP’d.  I hope he’s okay.
  4. My iTune’s track library exploded and I foolishly synced my iPod afterwards destroying about everything in its library.  We drove there listening to the Royal Albert Hall Cast of Les Miserables and back to Air Supply and the barbershop group Gas House Gang.  To avoid such complications, I’ll have a copy of Abbey Road on CD as backup.