I’ve begun collecting Pepsi points for the Amazon Unbox downloads and finally cashed some in today. I could get a single track for 5 points or the whole album for 60. While I could theoretically “win” if I bought all tracks from an album with less than 12 tracks.  I gunned it for some symphanies I liked hoping they’d be listed as a single track, no dice, they were broken up by movement. Time to get a little more, modern. As anyone who’s worked with me knows, I greatly enjoy the School of Estonian Sacred Minimalism especially Arvo Part. Looking through the catalog I found an album of his that contained the following:
Track 1 – 5 minute chorus for SATB
Track 2 – 38 minute mediation on the void of space for orchestra with sacbut and hurdy gurdy or some other ridiculous arrangement.
10 points, 1 album, WHAT A BAAAARGAIN!