Fastest. Final. Evar.

Normally, my daily highlights are funny or at least I try to be. Today, it’s unmitigated arrogance. I finished my CIS 1055 final is 9 minutes. There were 72 questions, of which 3 where 5 part matching problems. Of the 144 possible points I got 140, and I’m pretty sure I was right on one of them but it doesn’t matter as the instructor said the exam was so hard she gave us 8 free points.  I’m going to submit this with my 2009 Nerd License Renewal.

Fastest. Final. Evar.

Normally, my daily highlights are funny or at least I try to be. Today, it’s unmitigated arrogance. I finished my CIS 1055 final is 9 minutes. There were 72 questions, of which 3 where 5 part matching problems. Of the 144 possible points I got 140, and I’m pretty sure I was right on one of them but it doesn’t matter as the instructor said the exam was so hard she gave us 8 free points.  I’m going to submit this with my 2009 Nerd License Renewal.