On the way home I saw a Nissan truck with two faded bumper stickers. The first read “The real reason for the 2nd amendment is becoming clear” and the second I couldn’t make out both of which looked at least 10 years old. In addition, there was a magnetic soccer ball on the tailgate.
What does that mean? Is the person racist, paranoid, libertarian, anti-Clinton, a strict constructionist, what? It’s driving me mad. Maybe the mystery would be explained by the 2nd bumper sticker and could provide enough context with something like “send them all home” or “government of the people, by the people and for the people” or even “the right to arm bears”. And the soccer ball? Maybe that’s just there as a distraction to the anti-gun police officer who thinks he’s going to show a gun-nut who’s boss. Gha, make sense, world.