Joseph Csatari is considered the successor to Norman Rockwell for doing Scout prints. Norman Rockwell was a titan of illustration who even won over more chic artists with his perennial onslaught of Americana and unyielding talent. Csatari is a competent artist with command of color but the command of emotion that Rockwell honed. Anyway, there was a display of their work at the Mitchner Museum including a book signing by Csatari. I stayed to help clean up after the event and a Scout chum took advantage of the clean up time to pepper his hero with questions.  Mr. Csatari’s age and experience quickly became obvious:
Chum: Who modeled these?
Csatari: They were my neighbor’s kids.
Chum: And these?
Csatari: I don’t recall.
Chum: Do you remember your inspiration for this piece?
Mr. Csatari: It was…. no. No I don’t.