Snow is pretty, I like looking out windows and seeing it and will even walk through the stuff in appropriate quantities. I glanced out the window today and saw a gleaming field of white and was rather excited. Had snow fallen while I wasted the hours on configuring desktops? What I interpreted as snow was actually a set of tents for a catered luncheon for a product launch involving people that did vastly less work on the product than I did. Not only was it not snow, but it was the opposite of purity. Not only was it not snow, but it was like 48°F outside. Not only was it not snow, but it was an expense that I’m going to blame for me not getting a 10k hard drive and upgraded video card in my new work computer. It wasn’t snow, it was the paragon of non-snow, it was anti-snow. I hope it snows so the snow and anti-snow make contact and blow up.