Google Adsense has served up some odd things through Gmail before including bed-wetting clothing and feminine care products.  Today I was served up an ad for Topamax, an anti-convulsant.  Is there something in my mailing pattern or search trends to indicate I’m epileptic?

I’ve read Penny Arcade regularly for about a year and gone through the back catalog about a half-dozen times.  The creators have recently released an adventure On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness and it will probably be huge with the two people that like adventure games.  Anyway, they’ve been promoting the game on their site for a few weeks but today I noticed the best add I’ve probably seen in a year:

Rainslick Precipice Ad

If I ever write a book I want an ad of this caliber.

I found a Google ad for Down with Pinatas, a group that advocates against pinatas and their violent heritage.  The statistics page is wonderful.  I’m assuming this is farce but it was a google ad.  Why would someone pay to have a farce site promoted?  Viral marketing?  Bet?  I don’t know.  But if you scroll to the bottom of the page there’s a very small smiley.  Intriguing…