I found out that I share the train with Yet Another Coworker and we talked about the a recent weight loss competition held at work.

Me: I heard you won.
Him: Yeah, I looked at the participant pool and built a stochastic model guessing how much each could lose taking their travel schedules and past performance into consideration. I figured I had a 90% chance of winning so it wasn’t a life improvement thing so much as easy money.
Me: Wow, hey we just missed our train.
Him: Not quite, follow me. *jumps onto about to leave train going to next station*
Me: This isn’t the right line.
Him: But it stops at Market East station next too. The trains are variable enough that we probably have a 50% chance of our train losing 10-15 seconds vs. this one allowing us to pick up the train we missed.

I work with people that are smart, people that are wise, people that are clever, and people that are cunning. I’m glad for that spread.

Me: Joe, do you know anyone with Community on DVD?
Joe: No, but it’s on Netflix, I think.  Why not use a free trial and see it all?
Me: I’ve used up all my email addresses to set up accounts already.
Joe: You own like, 4 domains, just make a new email address.
Me: Joe, you’re a smart one.

Minutes later “freenetflixtrial@ockanickon.org” existed.

It’s New Year’s Eve and I spent it updating the Ockanickon webpage and avoiding cleaning.  During the avoiding time I decided to try a trick I had heard where one could create a fake macro lens by cranking up the f-stop, triggering the aperture button on the lens while removing it and placing it backwards onto the body.  It worked.  I was in no way prepared for that.

Here’s an example:

January 01, 2010-12-MacroTest

Computer case screw at the closest distance my 30mm /1.4 would handle

And here’s it after reversing the lens on the camera body:

January 01, 2010-4-MacroTest

Reverse 30mm on body

Note that the depth of field is about a thick as a pubic hair.

Here’s a better example of the depth of field generated by this process (in this case, f/8.0ish)

January 01, 2010-17-MacroTest

That’s a Mana Drain I bought that had been lit on fire.  More specifically, that’s the burnt edge.

I finished with an obligatory shot of a ballpoint pen tip.

January 01, 2010-29-MacroTest

Obligatory Shot of a Ballpoint Pen

If you go to the Flickr page and view the f-er full screen you can make out the lights I used to take the shot.  These lights are also visible below:

January 01, 2010-35-MacroTest

I need to get a lightbox.