Notes from seeing The Watchmen:

  • Ozymandias is an idiot.  He speech is slurred and he looks stoned, I’m also confident he wouldn’t hang out with David Bowie.  Anthony Hopkins + Time Machine = Correct Ozymandias.
  • Both the young and old Walter Kovaks/Rorschach look uncannily like…. Walter Kovaks/Rorshach.
  • I almost cried during the opening credits.  I normally hate the montage, but this one dripped with detail.  And it also had to overcome the fact that I hate Bob Dylan.
  • Bubastis came out of nowhere and looked out of place in a movie where a 200 foot tall blue guy with an jangly dong was pulled off reasonably well.
  • Joe and I expected Dr. Manhattan to be more otherworldly in voice, but after thinking about it, not sounding crazy weird makes sense.  His cool delivery of text reinforces the unimportance he attaches to most things.
  • If there were an Academy Award for Respectable Acting in a Comic Book Recreation Night Owl II would get it.
  • Flamethrower as proxy for orgasm: Best. Innuendo. Ever.
  • There was a lot of butt in the movie.  A lot.  And blue dong, but a lot of butt.
  • The riot scenes from the comic seemed much grander.  Less “angry band” and more “crush of humanity”.
  • The poisoned scientists make more sense than when they just kinda die in the comic.
  • The opening panel occupied like 15 minutes of the movie.  No wonder they couldn’t fit everything.
  • Why did Manhattan pop people?  Seemed like he could have just vaporized them.
  • The Frontiersman magazine was never explained.
  • The smiley face on Mars is really the Galle Crater.  It exists.
  • Captain Metropolis’s package showed up enough times that it joins the Smiley Face, Clock and Gordian Knot lock company as a motif.

If you saw the movie, Gizmodo had a wonderful photoshop contest around it.  Our photoshopping skills have come so far.

I saw Run Fatboy Run yesterday.  I had a coupon for a free small popcorn.  That was unlikely to be sufficient.  Through the magic of cargo pants I snuck in the following:

  • 1 bag of dried fruit
  • 1 bag of trail mix
  • 1 24 oz Pepsi Max
  • 1 16 oz Wawa Strawberry Milk
  • 1 bag of beef jerky
  • 1 box of Fig Newtons

I was most proud of the Fig Newtons.  Physics initially said no until I realized the main pockets were bigger than the cargo pockets.

The two brothers in Face/Off are named Castor and Pollux Troy, how dumb is that.  If this is another stupid attempt to smart up an action movie I’m going to symbolically delete my digital copy and then immediately retrieve the back up.Probably some prick writer trying to prove his knowledge of Greek history, if so the last name Sparta would have been better, even better than that some sort of anagram (Traspa, Rapast?), but no couldn’t go quite that far Mr. Sweatervest-wearing, latte-sipping David Sedaris-quoting media whore.  You will spend the rest of your life realizing you’ve never had an original or clever idea.

As you can see, this is a new section and I’d like to see what everyone thinks about it.  Most of the one’s in this category will simply be me yelling at the inconsequential.  Also, if you have your own, I’ll post it with proper credits.  If you do a bunch you can be a contributor.  I already have one other, Teejay Green.  He’ll shoot out something eventually as his posts are like panda babies, rare but wondrous.

I lost my left glove in the movie theater.  I really liked those gloves, partly because they were warm, partly because they were inexpensive, partly because they had really long cuffs and didn’t leave that 1/4 inch of exposed flesh that froze if you put your gloves on after your coat.  While searching for it, I instead found a very small pair of black children’s gloves.  Maybe my glove no longer loved me.