As you may have noticed, I’ve switched my commenting platform from wordpress to Disqus.  Disqus a couple things (more at

  • Lets you guys add  multimedia to response
  • Develops a history of comments that follows users across sites (which’ll come in use when I add new types of content
  • Permits users to pop in and drop comments without registering (I know it’s not tough, but…)
  • Lets me respond to comments via email

Please tell me what you think.  If it doesn’t work out, I can reverse the plug-in without much effort.

Apparently my site is built on a burial ground of some sort.  TWiT discussed the Internet Archive and their book scanning efforts shuffled into (which is just an amazing effort to index all that has been written, Brewster Kahle‘s behind it, it will happen).  Anyway, I waybackmachined SuburbanAdventure and found this beast from 2002.

 The Suburban Adventure Group is dedicated to challenging the athlete or weekend warrior in all of us and to bring back that feeling of being able to run and play forever, without having to leave your back yard

I believe I’ve taken this to another degree to “without having to enter the backyard”.  I’m stunned though, that this page used ASP which at the time was a bit poorly developed, like using PHP in 96 or so.  I wonder how far this page will stand linkrot and time.

Otherwise I’ve spent the day being angry at news outlets that spent Memorial Day praising veterans rather than the dead.  I do the same on Veterans day when they do the reverse.

Anyone who saw my flummoxed attempt at adding my logic and discourse postings to this site know how… awkward it was.  I’ve been stockpiling posts on the topic until I had a better venue and I’m working on a new project to make that happen.  I’m looking for someone familiar with a GUI and subroutine friendly program language to help me with a new project to help create a new argument presentation interface.  I’m also looking for anyone skilled in formal logic (SD, SD+ or any PL system, please not circuit logic) to help flesh out the project.

So I guess I’m saying two things.

  1. I’m working on a new site to compliment Suburban Adventure.
  2. That new site will have a new logical, skeptical and argumentative should I find the technical ability to do so.

So, I hope the Reason section will catch up to the Rhyme section.

Anyone who saw my flummoxed attempt at adding my logic and discourse postings to this site know how… awkward it was.  I’ve been stockpiling posts on the topic until I had a better venue and I’m working on a new project to make that happen.  I’m looking for someone familiar with a GUI and subroutine friendly program language to help me with a new project to help create a new argument presentation interface.  I’m also looking for anyone skilled in formal logic (SD, SD+ or any PL system, please not circuit logic) to help flesh out the project.

So I guess I’m saying two things.

  1. I’m working on a new site to compliment Suburban Adventure.
  2. That new site will have a new logical, skeptical and argumentative should I find the technical ability to do so.

So, I hope the Reason section will catch up to the Rhyme section.

I’ve always been a proponent of small actionable resolutions and here are my 10.

1) Pass another actuarial exam
2) Complete new Ockanickon page
3) Learn how to make a yule log (food, not combustible)
4) Remove all dead skin from feet
5) Find job as actuary that doesn’t involve moving to Pittsburgh
6) Re-arrange room and set-up new treadmill arrangement
7) “Box” assistant camp director knowledge
8 ) Scan important documents and old photos

Site specific goals:
1) Cover a logical fallacy every-other week
2) Post Daily Highlights within 48 hours 80% of the time
3) Complete 5 Projects or Joe Baloke trips
4) Add back-log of pictures to Flickr.

What’s your resolution(s)