I received the world’s least effective piece of campaign literature today. I must add it some time. Otherwise, I recently received a large quantity of Diet Mountain Dew in a game of chance and wished to have it with lemon along with the salads my father and I were to consume for dinner. I stop in at Genuardi’s grab a 5-lb bag of lemons (I had a coupon!) and move to the express check-out line. The cashier gave me a weird look like I was about to do something dastardly with my proto-lemonade. I said “it’s a fine compliment to a bottle of Diet Mountain Dew and they were on sale. Lemons never go on sale”. Fat white Diet Dew Guzzling Circular Reading Coupon Clipping Man flashed across her brain and I received the “you are the loneliest man in the world look”. In hindsight I brought this on myself.