The Anecdote
I like to consider myself an advocate for diversity. I enjoyed Temple University over Penn State partly for that reason but I was not prepared for the clash-of-worlds experienced at Ricketts Glen. People who camp on Easter weekend are a combination of godless heathens, gentiles, and apparently Indian Americans.
An Indian American family camped immediately across from us and my head nearly popped when Lakshmi and Ritesh began singing Stephen Foster songs while the parents assembled their fishing gear. Had the father pulled out a guitar while the kids were singing, my head may have popped. Geez, America is good at pushing people through the sieve of US culture.
The Pictures
90% of the pictures I took were bracketed (a dark, normal, and light picture) that I later combined.
The tustle of roots on the opposite side is one of the sharpest things I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure why.
While waiting for Pat to arrive, I took a lot of pictures of the sky. Normally, HDR obliterates the blue of the sky. I’m glad it was saturated enough to come through.
I scoffed at the announcement last week that the Falls Trail was re-opened as it was no longer covered in ice. I thought this was a delayed announcement until I saw how much snow was still around.