A side benefit of food poisoning is that I got to sleep quite a bit after a few days where I hadn’t. Â I rose for breakfast, made acquaintance with Amelia, skipped breakfast, and went back to bed.
For the afternoon, I wanted to take a tour of Chicago and we arrived at the Chicago Architecture Foundation just late enough to not make one, so we made our own.  Millennium Park features an unusual number of public art pieces and is the second leading tourist destination in the city.  The Cloud Gate reflective bean sculpture is a popular photo spot and I was in no way exempt from its draw.
Suzie wanted to see the Newberry Library and on the way there Ryan was mocked for not wearing a coat yet me wearing shorts was largely unobserved. Â Hm… At a crosswalk, I got separated from the rest of the group and made my way towards the Newberry zig-zagging my way there. Â This was a part of Chicago I hadn’t seen before, the city heart where commerce intersected residency and the buildings were merely nice as opposed to notable. Â Pedestrian traffic dropped off much quicker than I expected once one left an arterial road. Â By the time I was at the Newberry, the streets were largely empty.
They day had turned chilly, so Newberry wasn’t so much impressive and grand as simply warm. Â Their public display was sparse as is expected in a research library but it fulfilled my need for a place to sit down.
We walked to Amelia’s apartment and a reality was put to a location that had previously only existed as her background in Google+ hangouts and we passed time until we could pick up dinner.
I retired early again, not entirely feeling recovered from what ever had lain siege to my GI tract but I did get a chance to poke at my photos where I found a new favorite.
I like almost everything about it except the part where it gives the impression that I like cars.